Please join us for the first HAIS PTO meeting of the 2024-2025 school year on September 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Go Center at HAIS. We will meet and mingle from 6-6:30, and hold out PTO meeting from 6:30-7:30. Please join us to meet fellow parents and family members, and find out more […]
HAIS PTO meeting tonight 2/22 at 6pm!
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 836 6427 7949Passcode: 109703
2022 Halloween Dance
The HAIS Halloween Dance will be on October 28, 2022, from 5:30pm – 8:00pm. Tickets are $8 in advance, or $10 at the door, and includes pizza, a drink, and dessert. Tickets may be purchased through the HAIS PTO Cash App: @HaisPTO. Please consider signing up to donate or volunteer (note: volunteers must be VIPS […]
October HAIS PTO General Meeting
Please join us for the October PTO meeting! We will be welcoming two new PTO Board members and planning the Halloween Dance. Additionally, there is an HISD Family and Community Engagement walkthrough of the HAIS campus at 5:30, and we would love to have you join the tour. Click HERE to join virtually.
PTO Membership for 2022-2023
Dear Phoenix Families, HAIS PTO needs you! More than ever, parent involvement is critical to our kids’ future success and the overall feeling of community at HAIS. PTO membership is open to all parents, legal guardians, or caretakers of students enrolled at HAIS as well as faculty and staff and there are no yearly dues to […]
ARTICLE 1: NAME The name of this organization shall be “The Parent-Teacher Organization of Houston Academy for International Studies High School” (hereinafter called “HAIS PTO” or “PTO”), as created February 2006, and as amended and restated September 2020. ARTICLE 2: OBJECTIVES To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as to secure for all […]
HAIS PTO Officer Duties
President The President shall regulate the order of business. This person shall prepare the agenda and preside over all meetings of the organization, the PTO Board and the Executive Board, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. This person shall assist in preparing the annual budget, and perform all other duties as may […]
HISD Back to School 2021-2022 Resources
Click here for resources from HISD for the 2021-2022 school year.